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Welcome to the San Antonio District 19
Little League Website



LL Manager's & Coach's Quiz
Are you going to manage or coach this year at your league? Are you up on the 2024 LL Rules for Baseball or Softball? Not sure but would like to find out? You can take the district's manager and coaches quiz to see if you're ready for the season. To take the quiz, click here.

Little League Parent Survey
Every year, Little League International asks the parents to complete a survey about your experiences, participation, and areas LL can improve. District 19 has the survey available now and online. We'd like for all parents to provide us feedback to make our LL program better. The survey is completely anonymous but there is a place for you to enter you name and email address. Complete these fields only if you'd like someone to contact you regarding your survey responses. You can complete the survey online by clicking the following link: Complete the Survey

Become a Little League Umpire
Have you thought about umpiring?  The rewards are great and it's a time to support your local league.  Contact your local league to start making new memories.