San Antonio District 19 Little League
Serving the Alamo City and Surrounding Communities
2024 Fall Ball Season
Check with your local league for more details!
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Become a Little League Umpire
Contact us for more information
Howard J. Lamade Staduim
Williamsport, PA
Southwest Regional Stadium
Waco, TX


We hope this FAQ page helps answer some general questions about Little League and District 19.  We'll cover topics about registration, leagues, All-Stars, and more. 

How can I find out what league I should register for?

If you click on the LL League finder, you'll be able to find what league boundary you live in. Select what sport you're interested in and then your address.  It will then let you know what league, based on your address, you can register your child. It will also provide you with information on how to contact the league if you have any questions.

How do I know what division my child will play in?

You can find out what division your child will play in by using the LL Age Finder option.  On that page, enter the sport, the birth year, and the birth month.  It will tell you what division your child will play in.

Now that I know that, how do I sign my child up to play?

You can do that by clicking on the 'District 19 League' menu option.  It will list the leagues in our district, and you can click on the link for that league.  Many of the leagues do online registration but if this is your first time in the league, you'll want to pick a date that they're having on-site registration. 

What documents will I need for registration?

There are Little League requirements for parents to provide proof of child’s age (birth certificate), address (driver’s license) to register your child.  Check with the local league to see what you have to take during registration.

When does the Spring Season start?

Most leagues will start the Spring season sometime in March.

How do teams select players?

Most leagues hold tryouts after registration.  Check with your local league for tryout dates and times for your child’s divisions. 

How often will my child practice?

Practice varies from league to league, and coach to coach.  Once your child is placed on a team, the coach will contact you regarding team meetings, practices, games, etc. 

How many games will my child play during the week?

Most leagues schedule 2 games per week.  The dates and times for games varies from division to division.   The coach will contact you and provide a game schedule when they become available by the league.

How many games during a season will my child play?

Most leagues will play between 12 and 16 games during the regular season.  This will depend on how many players and the number of teams in that division.

What if my child cannot make it to practice or a game?

Notify your coach immediately when you know your child will not make it. 

How much can I expect my child to play in regular season games?

During the regular season, Little League rules in both Baseball and Softball require players to play a minimum of 6 defensive outs and 1 complete turn at bat per game.  Little League calls this the “Mandatory Play” rule.  When your child enters the game to meet mandatory play is the coach’s decision.

How do managers and coaches notify you about practices and games?

Nowadays for most managers and coaches, the preferred method of contact is email.  Make sure you provide a valid email address and check it often for updates. 

How can I get involved with my local league?

Little Leagues all over the world depend on volunteers.  From managers, coaches, board members, umpires, concession stand workers, field maintenance, etc.  There’s no shortage of volunteers to help the league to have a successful season.  Contact your local league if you’re interested in volunteering.

What will I have to fill out to become a volunteer?

ALL volunteers are required to complete a current volunteer application.  Applications have to be completed for each year you want to volunteer.  The form will need to be completed and signed along with providing a copy of a government issued ID.  All leagues are required to run a background checks to ensure the safety of all participants.  Click here for the volunteer application.

Does Little League provide guidelines how parents should conduct themselves?

Yes, Little League does.  Little League takes parent conduct very seriously because parent behavior not only reflects badly on them, it affects their child, team, managers/coaches and the league.  Click here to read more about Little Leagues ROOT, Rules, Opponents, Officials, Teammates, and Self.

Does Little League offer an instructional league?

Yes.  Most leagues have a Fall Ball season that’s instructional.  The purpose of fall ball is to help players adjust who are advancing to a new division in the spring or who are wanting to just to keep playing.  It’s also to provide additional instruction from the manager/coaches.  Fall ball is more relaxed with the emphasis on training and development.

When does Fall Ball season usually start?

Fall ball seasons usually start around September and runs through November.  Check with your local league for more information.