San Antonio District 19 Little League
Serving the Alamo City and Surrounding Communities
2024 Fall Ball Season
Check with your local league for more details!
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Become a Little League Umpire
Contact us for more information
Howard J. Lamade Staduim
Williamsport, PA
Southwest Regional Stadium
Waco, TX

In Memoriam

District 19 Little League would not be where it is today without volunteers. Countless hours, meetings, and setting a tradition for years to come.

It's with our deepest sincerity we say Good Bye to those who set the standard for years to come. Our heart-felt gratitude to these individuals for their dedication to their local leagues, boards, players, parents, umpires and everyone who they have come in contact with.

Thank You and your families for your service and commitment to Little League.
District 19 Little League Staff

vb mem  Virginia Buckelew
ms mem Mike Shull
as mem Anthony Segura